71st Metamorphosis Monday!
Been real busy re-organizing my "studio area" here at the Love Shack this past week. It's funny how your priorities change after you have lived in a space for a while and you realize that the life you "envisioned" for yourself in your new space is just not "living up" to what you expected! Case in point here at the Love Shack...our dining/eating area...
Above is photo of this area right after we had the hardwood floors done with our round dining table and contractors light fixture...soon to be replaced...
AND...after we moved in you can see my hutch, wing chairs and chandelier. Well as you can see it became very crowded once we tried to put all of our furniture in. At one point we had the round table centered under the chandelier and the wing chairs were placed on either side of the table and DH and I could actually have a very romantic dinner for two. BUT the reality was...we just didn't do this often enough to justify keeping the arrangement...we prefer to sit outside on the patio or in our reclining love-seat together. I started calling the Love Shack my furniture museum! I knew that I just had to get my head around parting with some more furniture, so the wing chairs and my white damask love-seat have gone on to Consignment 1st to be sold.
The other issue was that I missed having a permanent studio desk to work on my art journals or memorabilia...a space where I could leave my projects out while I worked on them. Especially since we do not have that many visitors here so it would not become an eyesore. So I started thinking about how I could set up desk and I found a great solution last week when I got an email from IKEA informing me about new lower prices for this year and found these versatile bookcases:
AND I got to thinking about the piece of glass that I had in storage and how two or three of these bookcases would make a great base for the glass to make a great work desk...So I drove to Charlotte and met my sister and son at IKEA and loaded up three of them in my car :D Of course we stayed for dinner and ate some swedish meatballs...yum! Spent the night at my sisters house and got up early the next morning and got back home to Raleigh because I just couldn't wait to put these together...of course DH did all the work :D
AND now I have a great big, beautiful desk...no more excuses now...lol Previously I had used this glass on top of two filing cabinets that I had sewn a decorative cover for but we just didn't want to drag the steel cabinets out of storage and risk scratching up the new wood floors. Also I liked the idea of the OPEN cubes to visually keep the space open...which after putting it together I'm really happy with.
Here you can see my desk chair which we also pulled out of storage and NOW I have to make a new slip cover for...lol...always something! I will be making a black and cream toile cover that matches the curtains that I made for the red cupboard and some of the kitchen appliances.
Here is a close look at the bookcase that sits to the back of the desk and it holds two new zippered vinyl cube organizers that I also picked up at IKEA for only $7.99 each...cool beans :D Here is a close-up of one that holds "projects" that I'm working on and that I store in individual project bags to keep it all together for the next time I feel inclined to work on one of them...
The other bin holds folders from workshops that I've taken on-line or in person and I keep all the instructions and clip-art, etc. inside of sheet protectors in portfolios for quick reference...
Also in the back bookcase you can see on the left, top a case that holds my sewing machine for fabrics and an ephemera case. Next to that cube on the right are several 12x12 envelopes of patterned papers, chipboard, stickers, templates, etc.
The bookcase on my right holds my took-kit and two more ephemera organizers...here's a close-up...
This case pulls right out when I need it here at home or for a class/workshop. On the left side you can see more of the clear plastic envelopes that I love to use with my label machine to sort my card-stock by design/vendor and keep my projects organized...
In the bottom cube I've placed a leather box/cube that I already had to store magazines in and the next photo shows the outside of this bookcase so you can see the additional storage that is hidden from the inside view of the desk.
In these outside cubes we are storing more magazines...I subscribe to many woman's, decorating and art magazines and DH subscribes to several of his own for golf and computers. Next to the desk is another bookcase that we already had for the living-room area and this acts as an end table for DH's side of our reclining love-seat...and then stores all my acrylic paints in these photo storage boxes.
On the other side of the desk I have two more of these cubbies tucked out of view for more ephemera and paper storage. In this area I also stash a set of file cubes that hold hanging file folders where I sort clip-art and current workshop notes and inspiration. The bottom file crate holds my bills...yuck!
Another great benefit of placing my desk in this area is that it sits right next to my red cupboard...
Remember how I showed you all how I made these toile curtains to "hide" all my craft storage to keep things neat and tidy...lol Here's a view of this cupboard without the curtains...yikes...
But I so love this red cupboard...I've had it for years and it offers so darn much storage! The bottom shelf holds some plastic drawer to sort items...lots of memorabilia for my albums actually! Then the next two bottom shelves hold Amy Butler fabric baskets with loads of pockets and I assign a function to each bag and tag it accordingly...see the key tags below...
The next two shelves hold some wooden and leather bins/buckets that sort my many journals and notecards.
Then on the top shelf I've tucked my green vinyl cases and white basket that hold floss caddies in which I sort more ephemera...remember I showed you all the details in this post...while the green photo boes hold punches, bags and art easels.
Usually though I do not take the curtains off all-together...instead I just pull out the bottom tension rods and "hitch-em on up" so that I can see the bottom shelves...because these are the items that I use the most.
For those who are wondering...the black baskets on top of the red cupboard hold my ETSY shop items as well as some fabrics and ribbons...which are all light-weight and are easy to get up and down off the top of this tall cupboard.
My round covered table was not banned with the wing chairs and love-seat...no way...
I found a way to re-purpose this table in the living-room area near the entrance. Originally, my white damask love-seat sat here and all-though it "fit"...it was just too stuffy and crowded feeling. So now we have this lovely round table set up here to catch our keys as we come in the door and to hold our current books that we are reading. Then...with the two stools sitting next to the table...it appears as a "library" table...ohh la la. AND the bonus is that if DH and I still want to have a romantic dinner for two...WE CAN...I just bring in our wicker chairs from the patio and we can still have a lovely meal together here at the Love Shack.
Boy...I know this was a long post, but I was so excited to show you all the great aspects of my new studio desk...and I hope this has inspired you all again to think about how you use your space and to re-purpose your furniture...as well as to get oranized!
Also, make sure you all hop on over to Susan's blog, Between Naps on the Porch, and see all the great links for the 71st Metamorphosis Monday! and maybe someone can help Susan find a new globe for her Smith & Hawken candle chandelier :D
comments welcome