FIRST blogger award and it is on my 2nd Anniversary for writing this BLOG...I'm very excited...I don't know what say...yeah
This blog award comes from a very sweet friend and blogger buddy, Flory of Living Creatively and she is a little powerhouse (full of energy...she runs circles around us all ;), very talented designer and artist and I am honored that she thought of me and my blog for this award
For this award I have too...
1.) Thank the person who gave me this award...this is the easy part...THANKS SO MUCH FLORY!
2.) Share seven things about myself...believe it or not...this is the hard part for me...oh goes nothin'...
* I'm love my husband, Kevin more than the day I first met him...really...I mean it! I still get worked up when he calls my name and I want to be with him 24/7...and basically we are :D
* I'm just as passionate about my two boys, Mitchell and Timothy and want them to be happy in their own lives.
* I'm a Foodie and didn't know it. Like (don't love) to cook foods that taste good but are also good for us...always motivated by POWER COOKING...which is to cook alot of meals at once and munch on left-overs for a few days. Cook and clean it all at once so I can play for the few days :D
* I'm a Gypsy and my DH believes it now...I have moved/lived all over the world...20 different places as an adult and ten as a that explains why change doesn't bother me and that I can adapt well to new situations :D
* I'm ALWAYS re-inventing myself...hence the new haircut ;> AND I do not feel like I'm turning 50 this year...which is a good thing!
* I'm passionate about reading EVERYTHING...and have a pair of reading glasses ALL OVER the Love makes my DH laugh every time he discovers a new
* I'm somewhat OCD and didn't know it...just always liked things in My sister use to get made at me when we played Barbies...because I spent all our time setting up Barbie's home and "organizing" her closets...some things never change...ha! ha! I love decorating my home(s) and DIY projects that re-purpose what you have (probably from all that moving I've done ;}
AND 3.) Pass the award on to 15 bloggers who I have recently discovered (or inspire me ;) and I think are fantastic (in no particular order), then contact the bloggers I have picked and let them know about their award. So here are my favorites...
1.) Lucy at Enchanted by Josephine
2.) Amy at Passages from the Past
3.) Mary Ann at Dispatch From LA
4.) Patty at River Bend Ranch
5.) Teresa at{My MiNuTia}
6.) Roben Marie at Every Life Has a Story!
7.) Rachael at La Fuji Mama
8.) Michael Lee at Designs by Gallum
9.) Kristen at We Are THAT Family
10.) Susan at Between Naps on the Porch and Houzz
11.) Bonnie at Bonnie's Digital Designs
12.) June at Simply Elegant Paper Crafts
13.) Seleta at Simply Seleta
14.) Wendy at The Possibilities are Endless
15.) Nina at Ornamental
Congratulations to all these lovely bloggers whose generous hearts have touched me in many ways. Please Pay It Forward!
NOW I want to celebrate my second year of blogging and over 200 posts that I have done...WOW...hard to believe that two years have come and gone...however...when it comes to my writing 200 posts...I'm not surprised...cause I can type as fast as I an talk...and that's ALOT! Blogging helps all my friends and family have an automatic FILTER...ha! ha!
To help me celebrate, I'm asking all of my followers to help my stats...that is to actually subscribe and show those who do not want to or feel comfortable leaving comments that you still appreciate my blog and want to show your support without being as verbal as "moi"...
So I have recently added the "Google Friend" connect widget onto my sidebar and I'd really like everyone to join as a follower (THANKS Flory:) To show my appreciate for you all I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY...
It will include this custom canvas bag...with a picture of my favorite sketchbook page...
This bag is great with a black bottom and know...those areas that show the dirt first...and it will make a great all-around tote bag this summer for the beach/pool, work or shopping. I am such a big supporter of NOT using plastic hopefully this will encourage whomever wins to keep it handy in their car when shopping ;}
BUT I also want to offer you all a gift certificate in the amount of $25.00 to spend in my ETSY shop!
AND this giveaway will be open to international participants as well. SO here are the guidelines:
1.) First, leave a comment and let me know how you found my blog and what you like (or don't like) about it...your feedback is so important to me!
2.) Second, become a follower and leave a comment here letting me know.
3.) Blog or post about this giveaway on your blog or facebook page (with the link to this post, please) and leave another comment with your link :D
4.) Share the love and tell your friends and have them become followers...just ask them to leave your name (as their referral) in their comments and it will not be necessary for you to come back and leave another comment.
5.) OH YEAH...this GIVEAWAY ends May 31st!
That's ALL FOLKS...thanks for supporting me and encouraging me to write and create!
comments welcome