Day 25 of The {31} Purge and I'm not not talking about the kind of flossing to prevent cavities ;} Nope...I'm talking about the kind of floss that is used for embroidery. I learned the the basic stitches...chain stitch, buttonhole (or blanket stitch), running stitch, satin stitch and cross stitch...of embroidery from my Mother and Grandmother. When I was a teenager {in the 70's :} we use-ta cover our jeans with embroidered peace signs, happy faces and all sorts of flowers ;}
Later on as an adult, we enjoyed creating all sorts of table linens, pillow covers and nursery was The Wizard of Oz for my first-born ;}
And then it was the Care Bares for my baby...ahhh so many of my other was soon replaced with another! Hence why I am left with this big box of, embroidery projects and kits, stuffed in my storage unit.
But not for long...because it is going to a group of ladies who will enjoy completing them. I consider these ladies to be craft divas! Because...they have also done it all...when it comes to handcrafts. Along the way they have gathered many techniques and developed their skills.
Skills that never fade...they just keep re-surfacing in other art forms. Like many of the basic tole painting techniques which have become popular in art journaling...and many of the embroidery stitches which have recently popped up in the multi-media collage art world!
When I first pulled this box out, I rifled through the top of it...but soon stopped myself...because I was going down that...whoa is me road! You know the drill...when you see something that you bought and:
- first of recognize it.
- then you remember why you bought it in the first place.
- soon you are feeling all of those emotions when you first purchased the stuff!
- next thing you are tempted to start taking the things out of the box as you start telling yourself that you can get these things done now that you've found them again!
SO very quickly...I shut the damn box and put it in the trunk of my car where it was out-of-site and out-of-mind until I was able to deliver it to the Craft Divas!
How about you have things to get rid of that end up back in your possession?
Please share in the comments and let us know what you have to do to reduce these "take-back" temptations.
Fondly, Roberta
Oh yeah. You go girl! I love that you are being strong and donating without looking back. I need some of that strength to tackle my craft closet…seriously, do I NEED all of those stamps? I rarely stamp other than sentiments. Yet I always keep them when I start to purge. I am gonna need some of your will power. Channeling Roberta, channeling Roberta...
Posted by: June Houck | November 16, 2011 at 03:50 AM