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Cortney Lyon

We also had to downsize when we moved to CA and I had to get rid of a lot of my books that I loved. They now fit on one shelf in the bedroom. I'd like to get a reading chair to put in there so I can curl up and get cozy instead f laying out on the couch.

I love your shelves, they are always pretty and I always catch a glimpse of a book on your shelves (through pictures) that I'd like to read.


oh my word, far too many rules for me!! I only have two book shelves and both are in my study, out of sight and out of way. Simply because I don't like staring at book shelves. To me, a pile of books is not something I find pleasing to the eye, no matter how I arrange them! If I had one of those huge houses with those floor-to-ceiling library book shelves however, and a ladder to climb on to wheel myself up and down the shelves, It might be a different story:) Every now and then I purge my books too. I don't like to hoard books, unless they are classics, recipe books, or sentimental books.


I'm with you, Roberta. I have multiple book shelves in the dungeon... er Studio ;-). Because I have limited space and can't bear to part with any of my research books, or my antique book collection, they go where they'll fit the best. Some stand, some are stacked. May not be the most 'eye appealing' but it works in this space for me.

Love your light idea. Will have to keep that in mind for my future studio.

Denyse@Crazy Beautiful Life

Thanks for thinking of me ;-) ...Since we have moved my bookshelves are making me absolutely "CRAZY"...I move things around on them all day long...room to room!!!!

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