A few weeks ago I lifted this photo off the internet (I believe it was from Apartment Therapy but not sure...my bad ;) and printed it and placed it on my refrigerator where I lusted after it every day!
Always thinking about HOW I could incorporate this idea SOMEWHERE in my closet...
WHICH has only made me analyze what is actually in my closet and I'm feeling another PURGE coming on. So stay tuned if you are interested in my soon to come, SERIOUS bag purge ;)
AND right now the entire space is one big hot mess...so in the meantime...
Meet Me On Monday! is a weekly blog party hosted Java at Never Growing Old where she provides five new get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post. This is a really fun way to get to know a little bit about yourself and your fellow bloggers!
Ok so here are today’s questions:
1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Potatoes! Lots of salty, fried, mashed, steamed, baked and buttery potatoes. I do not even keep them in the house because I can't resist them when they are here.
2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them? Rarely do I write in advance. I collect a lot of ideas and prompts for future posts but don't usually have a plan unless it's a recipe for Foodie Fridays.
3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Once that I remember after being a passenger in a car accident. The car was totaled and so were my favorite jeans after they had to cut them off of me. I was a nervous passenger for years after that and my poor DH was a saint with his patience.
4. What is your favorite candle scent? Vanilla I guess if I had to pick. Not really into scented candles because I prefer fresh air. I have a lot of allergies to perfumes as well.
5. Coffee or tea? Tea for sure. Never drank coffee until my second son was born and I was almost 30 and never really enjoyed it as much as tea. Used it as a stimulant for work but quit over 5 years ago and only enjoy the occasional mocha.
There now you know may have learned something new about me ;) Be sure to share your answers and tell them that Roberta sentcha.
Fondly, Roberta
No need for me to Meet You on Monday...I knew your answers already! May I ask what the paper towel in the closet are for?
I can't wait to see what the end result looks like, I'm sure it will be good. Maybe one day when Carl and I can get a place that is a little more permanent I will have a walk in closet too.
Posted by: Cortney Lyon | April 10, 2011 at 09:17 PM
Thanks for visiting my blog and for joining the Meet Me on Monday!
Those are some great answers!
Hope you have a great day and thanks for participating!! Meet you again next week!
Posted by: java | April 07, 2011 at 10:27 PM
Hi Roberta!!!
Long time no hear! I am back! {post on my blog}.
My answers to your questions are:
1) I think Potatoes too, I love them {must be the Irish blood in me} and they are so versatile.
2) I don't write in advance, unless I know I am going to be away or there is a special post I want to write and know I won't have time for.
3)No, i have not ridden in an ambulance before.
4)My favorite candle scent is orange or cinnamon.
5)I love Coffee. I have this routine. I only drink coffee in the morning and I drink one cup of tea a day and that is at night before bed! (weird I know)
Posted by: Bonnie | April 05, 2011 at 04:56 PM
Another purge. OMG...The last one was fun though. I'd rather see someone else purge their closet than do it myself..lol...
Posted by: Donnie | April 04, 2011 at 03:44 PM
Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe I didn't say potatoes! They are absolutely, without a doubt my favorite food group. I had a baked potato for lunch yesterday. I'm a nitwit!
(ps - loved the closet pictures!!)
Posted by: Donna | April 04, 2011 at 01:41 PM