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Cortney Lyon

No need for me to Meet You on Monday...I knew your answers already! May I ask what the paper towel in the closet are for?

I can't wait to see what the end result looks like, I'm sure it will be good. Maybe one day when Carl and I can get a place that is a little more permanent I will have a walk in closet too.



Thanks for visiting my blog and for joining the Meet Me on Monday!

Those are some great answers!

Hope you have a great day and thanks for participating!! Meet you again next week!



Hi Roberta!!!
Long time no hear! I am back! {post on my blog}.
My answers to your questions are:
1) I think Potatoes too, I love them {must be the Irish blood in me} and they are so versatile.
2) I don't write in advance, unless I know I am going to be away or there is a special post I want to write and know I won't have time for.
3)No, i have not ridden in an ambulance before.
4)My favorite candle scent is orange or cinnamon.
5)I love Coffee. I have this routine. I only drink coffee in the morning and I drink one cup of tea a day and that is at night before bed! (weird I know)


Another purge. OMG...The last one was fun though. I'd rather see someone else purge their closet than do it myself..lol...


Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe I didn't say potatoes! They are absolutely, without a doubt my favorite food group. I had a baked potato for lunch yesterday. I'm a nitwit!

(ps - loved the closet pictures!!)

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