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Jackson Gaydosh

The file cabinets look great! Although they still need a little polishing. You can press down on the covers to eliminate the air bubbles that populate the surface.

carolee sperry a.k.a the blogging biz mom

I have been revamping my office, too...

I was trying to figure out what to do with my filing cabinet- your idea is great!

Of course, my cabinet is a tall 4-drawer, so maybe I'll paint it....

-I'm sStill making my rounds from the Friday blog hops!

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Come on home - mom blog
Working at home advice


What a beautiful and inspiring space, thanks for sharing.
I found you via InCourage and I wanted to say hello.

Cortney Lyon

I think you did it first (and better) than Nate...but I might be a little partial. I really need to clean off my desk, it looks like a HOT MESS. Really great ideas, thanks for sharing them.


What a fantastic space!!! All that storage is incredible! :)


Love your makeover! And I love the idea of fabric covers over filing cabinets. I can totally identify with being short. At 5'1", I was always on the bottom row of school pics! I clicked over to your Dresses For Africa post. I am always very encouraged to see others doing something for Africa. My husband and I work with Ten Thousand Homes, an organization the provides hope and homes to orphans. We lived in S. Africa for 3 years and we've in the states for a little over a year on a bit of a break. We're hoping to go back but we'll see what God says! The project is still going on over there. Have a great Sunday!

Hilary - Feeling Beachie

WOW! what wonderful pictures! I love all the storage, but the glass desk? SO COOL!


Wow! I so wish I had half the amount of cool storage you have. That is amazing. All the nooks and cubbies. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :)

Pam @over50feeling40

Hi Roberta, thanks for stopping by my blog and telling me about yourself! I love your blog! I will be reading...I struggle so with interior decorating ideas and after my daughter gets married this summer, I need a house redo...on a budget!! I will be back and I am glad to meet someone feelin' younger than their age!!!

Jodene Shaw

Roberta, this is beautiful space and so inspiring! I am jealous {smile}. My kitchen is taken over...my 4 year old said tonight, "Where can I eat?" Thank you for your kindness on my blog . . . don't be intimidated...just inspired! You, too, are an inspiration!
love & grace,

Coupon Queen

WOW!! Your space is amazing, fun and function together, I really like the black and white curtain on the shelves, very clever and as for the file cabinet covers, I think you may have a million dollar idea!! I know a lot of folks who would buy them, myself included. Thank for stopping by my blog today, I am following back and looking forward to more great ideas and inspirations.


What a wonderful space to create in! Thank you so much for the fantastic tour. I love that all of your shelving is black... all of the colors just pop from them! Beautiful! Congratulations on being in the Studios magazine... that is SO neat! So happy you joined us for 'studio sneak peek' on (in)courage this week. I would love to have you join us more... every Friday on my blog we get together for inspiration! :)


You are sooo creative!! The covers for your filing cabinets just blew me away-what a terrific idea! And love that you got the glass panel cut down (what are you planning do do with the other piece??) Very original- all of it and it's giving me plenty of ideas:) Thanks!


Really like what you have done with the filing cabinets. So cool. By the way you aren't the only one with a shortness problem! ha ha. I am only 1.55m so that is pretty short! I also want to be able to sit at my desk and not have to stand or reach over for anything....will post pics sometime...Have a great weekend. I am sick, so staying in bed :(


Such a beautiful space. I see why you made your desk smaller. The fabric on your chair is gorgeous. Looks like a fun and happy space to create in. Thanks for sharing.

Denyse@Crazy Beautiful Life

I like the Nate Berkus show...I use to watch it when we lived in NC..I can't get it here in MD...Makes me mad (good reason to come back to NC)

Anyhoo!!! I've always liked your glass desk-tops...No matter how you change it..it always looks fantastic!!!


Hmmmmm, I N.E.V.E.R. - ever - thought about covering metal file cabinets with fabric! What a great idea, not to mention budget friendly! Love the new studio space, but I would have liked the old space too - sans shortness issues (smiling)...

Blessings on your weekend...I am cruising through the links at Studio JRU on (in)courage for my relaxing time!

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  • Welcome to the Love Shack. Inside this small space we are living large! I hope that you will follow along as I rant and rave about my passion for creating a blessed life with my family...no matter where the road may lead us. Fondly, Roberta
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