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Well!!! I feel better now...I'm all caught up on your blog...that was an accomplishment in itself...NO resolutions here...I never keep them anyways...what am I going to do go to the gym...like you,NOT!!! Since the big move it has given me the opportunity to actually get rid of stuff...if it doesn't have a place in the new house it's GONE!!! Moving a full car...a full SUV...a 26 ft truck and a 22 foot truck and I still had to leave some things in NC to come get...made me realize "Denyse, you have too much crap!" But, I'm on it!!

How's your juicer working for you?

June Houck

Happy New Year! I don't have NYresolutions either. Like you, there are things I try to improve, but I don't seem to have time...or do I not make the time? You may remember I had to purge our last house considerably (I called the Kidney Foundation 3x to bring a truck) before moving to our current home 6.5 years ago (can you believe it has been that long???) I doubt it was as difficult as your Love Shack move, but I vowed then that I would de-clutter this house 2x/year (~Dec./Jan. and June)and not allow myself to collect so much schtuff again. Even though this house has ~the same square footage as the last house, we have little closet space. We had two floors in Harrisburg, but we have 3 floors (finished basement) here...so why so much less storage??? E.g. We had 3 (2 large and 1 small) linen closets in the last house, 1 small one here. Anyway, I look at it as a good thing; when I de-clutter my house, I feel cleansed and a renewed energy.

Doug & I are doing a healthy whole-house purge right now. I can confidently say (craft room excluded!) that we have less schtuff now than we did when we moved here! It's a step in the right direction :) When I purge, I always think of YOU. You are my hero, Roberta!

Hmmm...I may blurf on this topic...


happy new year! i don't usually do resolutions, but did this year. but none of them are things i am running from. they're all fun. simplifying is always a goal for me and it feels good whenever i do it- just cleaned out my closet and LOVED getting rid of all that stuff and donating it to people who can use it!


I LOVE David Wolfe. Are you juicing yet??

Sean K. Langston

Hey Roberta! Just stopping by. Happy New Year to you and Kevin. Email me your address so I can keep in touch.

Take Care,

Sean K. Langston


We would be doing better on the new plan but seems like every night we're meeting some couple somewhere that always includes food. Just told Don I think next time I'll just eat when I get home. Everything out here is fried.

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Hello I'm Roberta,

  • Welcome to the Love Shack. Inside this small space we are living large! I hope that you will follow along as I rant and rave about my passion for creating a blessed life with my family...no matter where the road may lead us. Fondly, Roberta
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