For those of you, who are like me, and have a real passion for tea!
Just so excited to show off my new water kettle, IngenuiTEA cup and tea honey that arrived this weekend from my favorite on-line tea shop, Adagio Teas. Now I could have sworn that I bragged...blogged...about Adagio and their wonderful IngenuiTEA cups for brewing loose tea...but I'll be darned if I can find the old post to link it up! So much for being organized...ha! So now I just have to share their video with you all so that you can see this cup in action...go here now and click on the green button to watch ;)
Every morning, DH and I, drink a mixture of Red Rose tea and Blueberry Breeze Tea...that I actually brew right in my Mr. Coffee, 4-cup brewer. (Gave up coffee years ago and haven't missed it at all ;). So we simply put one bag of each tea into the coffee filter basket, pout in the water and it brews the perfect cup of tea to start the day.
Through-out the day I enjoy several other kinds of loose-leaf teas and and as time has passed, DH has also begun to enjoy them. Which meant that I needed another IngenuitTEA cup and a proper water kettle to brew the loose tea with...using a pan and my one cup had turned this ritual into a chore ;}
SO now that we have TWO of these wonderful IngenuiTEA's an afternoon ritual that is a real pleasure once more ;) First one cup for DH...
Then one cup for me...
NOW we have to talk about another amazing invention...the honey pump!
OMG...who comes up with these wonderful, amazing ideas!
The Savannah Bee Co. that's who! I bought the honey JUST so that I could have this pump that fits their jar...and it may fit other glass jars just as well...but I don't care...I WANTED THE HONEY PUMP ;)
Let me tell has been worth every penny...because you simply press down on the pump and measure your teaspoonful of honey and the pump stays clean and sticky free...NO DRIPS...yeah!!!!
What can I's the simple things in life that bring me the greatest joy ;)
How about you...what simple joy do you have to share today for Mosaic Monday?
Be sure to share it here...and with Mary of the Little Red House blogspot.
Let her know that Roberta sentcha ;)
I would simply say to you all “awesome information”
Posted by: Account Deleted | July 20, 2012 at 01:38 AM
I love this pump! Is this honey good for other things? Joan
Posted by: Americana Lady | January 20, 2011 at 10:34 PM
I love tea...always have...I would love a honey pump!!! I drink honey and lemon tea all the time..Yum Yum!!!
Posted by: Denyse | January 20, 2011 at 10:59 AM
Well I am still a coffee fan, but this IS a really interesting way to make tea, and that honey pump is brilliant!
thanks for sharing at Mary's.
Posted by: Cass at That Old House | January 18, 2011 at 12:24 AM
That was really interesting. I still love my coffee most of the time.
Posted by: Donnie | January 17, 2011 at 11:07 PM
Thanks for sharing a new way for making tea.
And, I would really like one of those honey pumps myself!
Posted by: Lavender Cottage | January 17, 2011 at 10:37 PM