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Sandy Jenney - Organize with Sandy

It doesn't look like the button link showed up... just let me know and I'll get it to you. thanks

Sandy Jenney - Organize with Sandy

Roberta! I got the blog button fixed for my Organizing Mission Monday = being featured. Figured it is just as easy to give it to you here... lol Thanks!!

Organize with Sandy

I am going to feature this blog post on my Organizing Mission Monday tomorrow Dec. 27th and would love you to stop by (and hopefully link up another blog post) and pick up my "Proud To be Featured on Organizing MIssion Monday" button

Cortney Lyon

Yup, those are the same markers we used at the restaurant to write the daily specials with. I love the way the writing came out-I've always been a fan of your handwriting anyway it's so neat and clean looking. I'll have to pick some of those up and then find some chalk board to write on. It makes me wish I had a chalk board in the classroom.

Organize with Sandy

Thanks so much for linking this to my link party!!

Organize with Sandy

Love this post too!! I am going ot have to look into these!


I'll have to watch for them because I have a Michael's here but not up north. You have gone wild with that paint...lol....Such a good product. Have a great day.


Another must have item.....just not enough hours in my day or space in my life...or is there? hmmmm LOL


Hi Roberta
I saw you in ClothPaperScissors and just wanted to stop and say Hi. I Love how you've created your own oasis in such a small space. I've just done the same in my home and look forward to many creative hours... and following your blog ;-)
Creative Blessings!


I am totally going to get some of these chalk markers... and do some creating. THanks for sharing! ;) Merry Christmas Roberta!

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