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I know I'm a bit behind on your blog...since I had a few minutes to myself I was playing catch up...I have tried and tried to purge my shoes but I just can't seem to do it...I think it's an attachment issue..LOL!!!

So here is what I have:

Heels - 102
Flip Flops - 33
Boots - 13
Sneakers - 9

Oh dear! That is crazy but I do have them all organized ;-)


Leah Peck

Girl, you are totally my hero! First of all, the coupon thing...I had no idea you could donate them, what an awesome concept!!!

And please, shoes? I have WAY too many shoes with no home! Time to purge!

Cortney Lyon

Good job on the coupon purge. I need to pick up another dollar bin expandable file like you have for my coupons. I agree, Harris Teeter is awesome on their coupon deals and I miss it. The store here only doubles up to a dollar, so if the coupon is 75 cents they only give you 25 cents more off...lame!

I can't wait to see how you organize all your shoes. I can honesty say that I have less than 10 pairs of shoes and I only wear 2-3 pairs ever...maybe I'll do a mini purge!


That's a great way to do the grocery list. You know I don't do coupons much but I love the way you showed how to navigate Harris Teeter's website. That's where I shop back home but when in Florida it used to be Publix but lately I've been shopping at Sweetbay. I have to look to see if they have a site. I like the smaller store with easier to navigate aisles. You are really making some people happy with all the great deals they are going to get at Goodwill, especially the platform pumps...lol....Keep sorting, hahaha

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