Today is Day 19 of The {21} Purge and Rhonna's message today is: "You are living your best YOU right. now. Doesn't it feel amazing? Please, please remember how good it feels to do your best. & then, strive for that every. day. You are doing it. And those of you that have said you fell off the wagon, or it's not easy, or you've given up...I have this for you: You are strong. You have it in you! The only way you can live your dreams is by jumping back on that wagon & taking one step at a time. No one else can do it for you. You must do it yourself. You can do this if you really want it. The question is: Do you really want it? Just because we are on day 19 doesn't mean you can stop. Girls...listen to me: You need to continue this journey! All of it is for naught if you just go back to your old ways. Stay on the road. Stay strong. Stay positive. You can do it!"
Filling the Need
Leo Daily Horoscope
You may be feeling compulsive as you reach to fill a need within yourself today. In your obsessive frame of mind, you may find yourself making impulsive purchases. These feelings can come from a mind-body-spirit disconnect. We sense that we need something to restore balance. Since we have not tuned in to our inner state, however, we may not know what to do. So we reach outward to find something material to fill the gap we feel inside. Usually any satisfaction reached that way fades quickly, and we find ourselves seeking once again. Today you can choose to turn within and listen to the needs of your mind, body and spirit.
If we look at what we are drawn to buy we can get an idea of where we need to focus our attention. Purchases of clothing or other items to adorn our physical selves could be telling us that we need to nurture ourselves physically. Instead of shopping, we can take a walk outdoors to connect our physical self with the natural world. Buying books or electronics could mean we are seeking distraction from our mental state. We can take some time to meditate to remove ourselves from the chatter of our minds and regain some peace. After a time in the silence, we can listen to our inner guidance to discover where to point our attention. Perhaps a class or a project for charity would be a better use of our time, energy, and finances. However you restore balance within yourself today, you will feed the true needs of your whole being.
Well I'm not in the frame of mind to make any more IMPULSIVE PURCHASES today or any time soon especially after PURGING my clothes these past two weeks ;) Nope...not me...instead I marched right back into the battle zone and guess what...MY CLOSET LOST THE BATTLE THIS GO-AROUND!
Today I was just as ruthless as I could be...if it didn't fit me perfectly...and I mean was gone! No longer will I accpet gaping buttons; tightness across the chest; arm pits that pulled and pinched; fabrics dragging across my belly...ANYTHING that bothered me in any way was OUT OF HERE ;)
Gone to purgatory...over 50 blouses/tops/shirts...whatever! Add that to yesterdays purged pile...
AND my closet is looking slim and trim...
Oh and be sure to check it out from this angle as
Last week my legs and butt got a workout when I was trying on all those pants, pj's and knickers and this week it's my arms that got the workout trying on all these shirts/blouses/tops...oh my achin' arms...but I did it...I tried on each and every piece of clothing hanging in my closet. I had too...because if it didn't fit...out it went...yippee! There were so many pieces that were purged that I had to make several mosaics...first up are the Whites & Tans...and just let me say now that...yes! I have a thing for white shirts ;) They go with everything and a classic, white, tailored shirt looks good on everyone...enough said...
Followed by your basic Blacks:
Throw in some Blues & Greens (great with all your blue jeans ;)
AND for those days when you need some color in your life...we have Orange, Pink & Purple...oh my!
Well that is it for today folks...I can happily say...I'M OUT OF MY CLOSET ;)
No more clothes to purge and I know that you all are just as happy about that as I Tomorrow I'm tackling my enormous RUBBER STAMP collection because I promised a few ladies that I would go through them and that I would be putting LOTS of them up for really great, discounted prices ;)
So tell me...HOW are you filling your needs? Clothes, food, rubber stamps?
GOOD JOB!!!!! Job Well done!!! nuff said! You have room and can see what you have without having to push, pull, prod or remove! LOL And your horoscope was funny....wonder what mine is saying lately - I've been NOT reading it on purpose! LOL
Posted by: Deb | November 28, 2010 at 04:59 PM
Wow, I can't believe how much room you got back after purging. I can't wait to see all the rubber you're going to sort through, I remember a lot of stamps in your collection. I will assume you will be keeping your naked lady stamps...they are your signature stamps!
Posted by: Cortney Lyon | November 28, 2010 at 12:15 PM
Your closet looks really great and I'm glad you're now able to officially able to "come out of the closet" my friend. Almost over.....
Posted by: Donnie | November 28, 2010 at 08:35 AM