« The {21} Purge: Day 18...Consistency is the Key! | Main | The (21) Purge: Day 20...Keep going...and give back!! »



GOOD JOB!!!!! Job Well done!!! nuff said! You have room and can see what you have without having to push, pull, prod or remove! LOL And your horoscope was funny....wonder what mine is saying lately - I've been NOT reading it on purpose! LOL

Cortney Lyon

Wow, I can't believe how much room you got back after purging. I can't wait to see all the rubber you're going to sort through, I remember a lot of stamps in your collection. I will assume you will be keeping your naked lady stamps...they are your signature stamps!


Your closet looks really great and I'm glad you're now able to officially able to "come out of the closet" my friend. Almost over.....

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