Now that the rain has slowed down a bit here in Charlotte I am able to get back to my on-line class with Mary Ann Moss titled, Stencil-ry, Pure Experimentation...remember I told you all about it a few weeks ago here in this post. It has been slow going because of all the damp, wet, rainy weather that we have been having for the past two weeks...note...spray paint does not dry in these conditions! This is a far as I have gotten on my "Journal Portfolio"...
It's still a "work in progress" but it looks better when you stand back...way
Since I wasn't able to do much "Spray Painting"...which I really wanted to use this medium because the best part (other than the cool results you get and the "surprise" factor of working with stencils and masks) is NO CLEAN UP of brushes...water station...etc.
You can really get spoiled with that part :}
SO...I did what I love to do...ORGANIZED my Work's a shot:
As many of you know...we downsized this spring from a house to an I have to be very "resourceful" when it comes to use of space. This rolling cart was my think I almost sold it in the yard-sales...but I convinced my husband that we could use it for "tool chest" in our storage space. This cart has been quite the workhorse for is over 25 years old and I originally bought it from Spiegel's catalog...remember when they use to have the BEST decorative, hard to find, items. Now I don't even know if they still have a catalog?
The cart is completely made out of medal, except for the casters (still the originals) and the top which has seen better days...but is great for spray painting on now. I used this cart originally when I lived in Italy over 20 years ago in my kitchen. The apartment we rented had no kitchen cupboards (standard for Italian apartments...which are more like condos and they purchase all the trimmings...light fixtures, cupboards, wardrobes, etc.) and all my American appliances required a "transformer" to convert the American wattage to the European wattage. Anyone who has every traveled in Europe and tried to use their blow-dryers, razors, etc. knows what I'm talkin' about!
Anyhow...since then it has provided great service with it's shelves and "pegboard" side storage...which I'm now using to "hang" my stencils on for easy access. The moveable shelf holds the current projects' spray can colors. The built-in "towel" bar is great for quick access to my much abused "paint" towels. I just love how I can "wheel" this cart out and hang up my spray shield on the door and "spray" away. Don't worry...I do move my wicker chairs...behind me...out of harms way when I'm spraying. Then the cart tucks away in the corner when not it use and we still have plenty of room to sit on our balcony and enjoy a glass of wine in the evenings (as we often do).
Hope you all enjoyed the tour! Next week I'll have more pages to show off in my journals...can't wait!
That cart made the rounds, you even gave it to me for a spell when you moved south! And when I moved south I brought it with me and you ended up taking it back when I had no room to use it in my small one bedroom apartment! They just don't make them like that anymore!
Posted by: Debra Bunker | July 21, 2009 at 11:45 PM