Joy is Rising in the studio this week and I'm so Lovin' It that I get to share my latest project, Canvas Create, with you all. Talk about a perfect way to end a very productive week!
First I had to clean up my desk and put away all of my scrapbooking materials so that I could set up my painting supplies...I've learned from past spills to just get up off of my butt and put the stuff away ;}
I guess you could say that it is one of the downfalls of having a small studio and living space...but it sure does keep me on my toes. The benefit of it is that you always know where your stuff is because you have to put everything away after using it...and in my book that is a good thang ;}
Last time I posted about my week at Art n’Soul in Portland, Oregon I told you all about how I had experienced some of the best instructors that I’ve ever had at any art event. My week started out with a bang with Dan Carrel in his Transformational Painting class and ended with the big bang theory with two days of Jesse Reno's Freedom to Create classes.
While I'm still completing The {31} Purge...I wanted to share my class projects with you this week in the studiobefore I forget all the fantastic details. Jesse's Freedom to Create class is usually held as a one-day class, but after seeing other students who had taken his one-day course when I went to Virginia's Art n'Soul...I knew that I wanted to take TWO days so that I could get the processes down. So now...for next year's events...they are offering Jesse's class as a comprehensive two-day class and I highly recommend it!
In the beginning...everyone starts out with big 24x30" BLANK pieces of heavy bristol paper and only five colors of non-toxic acrylic paint that Jesse provides...white, red, yellow, blue and black!
Jesse explains it best: "this two day mixed media painting class is an expansion on my one day class. the idea is to give students more time to digest the individual ideas, concepts and techniques of my one day class. this class is open to any level student/artist all my class begin with simple ideas and techniques the complexity comes in understanding how to own them engage in them and believing in them.. by having two days we have more opportunity to breathe between steps and ideas this means more critique, as well as time for me to question and exemplify the applications and concepts."
Jesse started out on the table-top with an easel as he explained his concepts to us but it wasn't long before he moved to his favorite place...the floor!
Last week I had the best time at Art n’Soul in Portland, Oregon taking classes all week with some of the best instructors that I’ve ever had at any art event. The week started out with a bang with Dan Carrel in his Transformational Painting class. I simply cannot say enough great things about this class and if you ever have the opportunity to take ANY of his classes or courses then JUST DO IT!
Now that I'm back...and while completing The {31} Purge...I wanted to take the time this week in the studioto share my class photos and amazing results with you all.
In the beginning...everyones' canvases look like what Dan Carrel refers to as CHAOS..but not for long!
So excited that I will be attending another Art n'Soul retreat this year...especially after attending last month in Hampton, VA and being so pleased with the instructors and the types of classes offered.
First up I will be taking a two day class, Transformational Paintingwith Dan Carrel during which he pretty much... "guarantees that he can teach absolutely anyone to paint in 18 hours". In a series of (3) inspiring sessions, Dan teaches you how to quickly dispel the limitations of “talent” myth and remind you how to play simple visual games that access innate creativity and are the very foundations for visual art.
After seeing some of the other students finished pieces from Dan's class in Hampton, VA...I was really excited to learn that Dan was also teaching this class at the Portland venue.
For years I have been a mixed media/collage artist and have always been a fan of LK Ludwig's so I signed up for her class, Big Time Book:
At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to take a "book binding" class but after watching this video...I was very intrigued and now I'm really looking forward to being able to create my own art journals from scratch.
The last class(es) that I've signed up for is the Freedom to Create (two days ;) with Jesse Reno. I have wanted to take classes with Jesse ever since I saw a video of him creating one of his mixed media at a open air art festival. Then I saw on Teesha Moore's blog that he had come to teach classes at her studio and that he was also teaching this year at Art n'Soul. I guess you could pretty much say that I've been stalking the web site ever since ;)
This mixed media painting workshop will focus on building freedom within our creative process. The biggest thing you will learn is to let go of your preconceived ideas about painting, allowing for a pure, personal, and in the moment painting experience. We will focus on the idea that it is better to make a mistake and follow it through, or correct it, rather then trying to be perfect.
This class description says it all! It very quickly reminds me of my philosophy when I'm trying something new and different...which is...better done that perfect! Seriously...I am so looking forward to meeting and working with all of these uniquely fabulous instructors at Art n'Soul.
How about do you expand and push your artistic limits?
Wow, what a week this has been in the studio! It's been short n' sweet, and the same has felt like it was a very looooong week...I'm so lovin' it that it's finally Follow Friday!
After being on the road from last Saturday through Tuesday to attend Art & Soul, Mixed Media Art Workshops in Hampton, Virginia, I finally have all my supplies put back where they belong and all my bags unpacked and tucked back into storage :}
Wow...what works-for-me today is finding out that one of my favorite mixed media artists, Pam Carriker STILL had openings for the classes that she is teaching at the Art & Soul retreat, April 28th - May 2nd in Hampton, VA.
Welcome to the Love Shack.
Inside this small space we are living large!
I hope that you will follow along as I rant and rave about my passion for creating a blessed life with my matter where the road may lead us.
Fondly, Roberta
Photo album/slide show of my sketchbook for the Art House Co-op's The Sketchbook Project 2011. My subject matter was INSIDE/OUTSIDE so I choose to write/sketch about our move here to the Love Shack.
Collage Art Album created and used by Roberta Philbrick for daily inspiration.
Submitted on May 11, 2008 to "Two Peas in a Bucket" Member Gallery contest for "Maya Road Wants To Take Your Mini Album To CHA".
This is how I spent my "Summer Vacation"
In June, I had downloaded Theresa McFaddin's ezine "Summer Art Journal", and I never had the time to participate...SO I took it with on my vacaton and had a wonderful "uninterrupted" creative, inspired time.
It was a perfect Summer Vacation!
Had another wonderful experience this year with Donna Downey at her "Inspired 2009" event. I've come home again with ideas and projects to complete and the motivation to get to work on everything! More pictures to be added of the "completed" projects in the near future.
Donna Downey's INSPIRED WORKSHOP Completed Projects
"Dress Forms" Mini Workshop by Donna Downey
Poppet Puppets: Mixed Media Collage
Taught by Claudine Helllmuth
Transformed: Inspired Art Journey
Taught by Stephanie McAtee
Textile Anthology: Creating A Fabric Quiltlet
Taught by Christina Lazar-Schuler
Welcome Spring: Multi-Media Home Decor
Taught by Jennifer Stewart
Clearly Beautiful; Acrylic Album w/Alcohol Inks
Taught by Tena Spencer
comments welcome