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What a beautiful and free outpouring of creativity this was! Did your fingers act as a brush some? I thought I could see the evidence...{smiles} And I really like that heart wrapped text on your desk - I too hate to "waste" paint! It works so much better on some sort of background instead of just drying on whatever palette I have used!



Oh do continue to share more of your progress! I think it is exciting! You never know where it will lead!! Patsy from HeARTworks


This looks like so much fun!!! I would love to paint on a large surface like that, but I lack the room or the courage! I'll stick to my jewelry for now, but who knows what the future might hold! ;)



How fun! I am just like you... while patiently waiting for something to dry I have to move onto something else! lol Looks like you have all kinds of pretty things in the works. I love seeing the steps and progress. Can not wait to see where go next! :)


opps... "where *they* go next!"

denyse@crazy beautiful life

I can't believe I missed this!! Wow!! I really like it...Are you still painting? And, what did you do with your paintings? Great job!!!!

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The Sketchbook Project 2011

  • 48. Back Cover
    Photo album/slide show of my sketchbook for the Art House Co-op's The Sketchbook Project 2011. My subject matter was INSIDE/OUTSIDE so I choose to write/sketch about our move here to the Love Shack.

Maya Road Album

  • Outside Back Cover
    Collage Art Album created and used by Roberta Philbrick for daily inspiration. Submitted on May 11, 2008 to "Two Peas in a Bucket" Member Gallery contest for "Maya Road Wants To Take Your Mini Album To CHA".

Summer Art Journal

  • 22. Assignment No. 10: Left Side
    This is how I spent my "Summer Vacation" In June, I had downloaded Theresa McFaddin's ezine "Summer Art Journal", and I never had the time to participate...SO I took it with on my vacaton and had a wonderful "uninterrupted" creative, inspired time. It was a perfect Summer Vacation!


Inspiring Sites:

Inspired 2009

  • 35. Finished Watch
    Had another wonderful experience this year with Donna Downey at her "Inspired 2009" event. I've come home again with ideas and projects to complete and the motivation to get to work on everything! More pictures to be added of the "completed" projects in the near future.

"INSPIRED" Artists Completed Projects

  • Poppet Marie Antoinette
    Donna Downey's INSPIRED WORKSHOP Completed Projects "Dress Forms" Mini Workshop by Donna Downey Poppet Puppets: Mixed Media Collage Taught by Claudine Helllmuth Transformed: Inspired Art Journey Taught by Stephanie McAtee Textile Anthology: Creating A Fabric Quiltlet Taught by Christina Lazar-Schuler Welcome Spring: Multi-Media Home Decor Taught by Jennifer Stewart Clearly Beautiful; Acrylic Album w/Alcohol Inks Taught by Tena Spencer

C&T Publishing: