Wow what a week it has been this week in the studio! It started off slow because my lower back went out on Sunday evening after I simply reached inside the refrigerator for some juice to make our Spinach Smoothies. In the past...I've had problems with my back going out...but this time it was like an electric shock went up my back. Thank goodness I keep Doan's pills on hand ;} So I pretty much had to take it easy around here and that really bums me out when I have so much that I want to work on! My lower back was starting to feel better and I was happy that I was able to at least get one week done in my Project Life album. But by Thursday I had a stiff neck so I kept taking the occasional Doan's to alleviate the mild pain in my neck. So this morning I was feeling really good and was excited to go out and get the groceries at Trader Joe's so that I could come back and play in my studio.
The weather around here today has been crazy! This morning we didn't need an alarm clock because the harsh rain and wind woke us up around 7:00am. Then we had a quick break in the weather and just as I was about to head out the door...this is what I saw...
Awesome...right? I couldn't believe it either and so I grabbed my camera and went out into the middle of the street to snap a shot of these clouds that looked like a tornado was forming.
I felt like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz as I was chased back inside the house by the rain ;} It was a quick moving shower and soon I was heading out the door before the next downpour.
As I'm driving out of my development...I'm thinking...I don't know, those clouds still look very ominous? Then as I drove around the corner...I'd see shades of Carolina Blue sky peeking out between the clouds and it made me feel like everything was gonna be all right ;}
Saw this cute couple walking hand-in-hand....ahhh...and they were all prepared with their rain boots, coats and umbrellas as they walked their dog.
So I headed on down the highway to Trader Joe's lickety-split! Then when I was all done and was driving was clear skys as far as you could see.
Amazing grace for sure! I was so excited to get home...put the groceries away...put on a pot of coffee and set up my desk to play for the afternoon. I do so much better in my studio when the sun is shinning ;}
For the past month I have been watching Traci Bautista's on-line workshop, Doodles Unleashed, sponsored/produced by Strathmore papers. I couldn't wait to create some great backgrounds this afternoon as I followed along and watched Traci's fantastic videos. This class is free folks and you really should sign-up for it and download the great PDF instructions and watch the videos while they are still available.
This is as far as I got today because the next thing you back started to bother me again!
This time it was right between my shoulder blades...the kind of back strain that "takes your breath away" everytime you reach for you know what I'm talking about? My sister asked me earlier in the week what I could have done to weaken my back? Well the only thing that I can figure is that the week before we had a very unusal sleep schedule due to Hubby having to get up at 3:45am every day to call into work via LONDON time. Soooo...our sleep patterns were way off. And if I don't get a solid 8 hours of sleep every night...I just don't do well. So I think that it finally caught up with me this week.
So today in the studio, I'm going to have to hop on over and enjoy all the other posts for this week's Sneak Peek Friday. Looking forward to clear skys and a better week next week here at the Love Shack. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Fondly, Roberta
Oh no... I am sorry to hear about your back! I have trouble now and then and yes, that 'take your breath away' feeling is horrible! Hope you are feeling better soon so you can get back to having fun! Love the weather photos. I come from a family of storm chasers. We love that sort of thing! I have gotten myself caught with hail while running to the end of our driveway for a photo! lol Crazy, I know! :)
Posted by: Jennifer_StudioJRU | 01/28/2012 at 10:00 PM
Wow! Amazing photos of the stormy sky! We had lots of rain this week but no cool skies like that!
Posted by: Jen | 01/29/2012 at 01:00 AM
Those storm photos were amazing! And then to clear so fast to such brilliant blue skies! Thanks for posting about the classroom at Strathmore...I did sign up...but I don't know how you do it all and keep everything so organized too! Blessings on your week...
Posted by: Cindy | 01/29/2012 at 10:20 PM