The Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop! is a weekly link-up party hosted by Gussy to create further connections with her on-line community and to encourage inspiration among her peers.
♥ This week’s prompt is a day in my life. This week Gussy encourages you to find inspiration in your day-to-day by posting a single photo, a collage of photos or simply a written list that depicts A DAY IN YOUR LIFE. Share with us, your take on the prompt by linking up your blog post.
Well...this week's prompt...just happens to coincide with the Week in the Life project that I've been participating in via Ali Edward's blog. Sunday was the last day of the week for this series and I have been busy all this week editing/printing my photos and catching up on my notes. Today I want to share with you all some of the photos from Sunday...because...it just so happens to be my favorite day of the week! For us, it's the one day that we usually do not make any plans for leaving the Love Shack. It's usually the one day where I don't make the bed, get dressed or even shower. YIKES...I know...but it's true...nothing like being a total bum all day long and really relaxing ;)
The day starts off with us sleeping in...anything past 8:00am in our case! Then I roll on out of our big, comfy bed and drag my butt out to the kitchen...where I usually find the mess from the night before...wine bottle, wine glasses, popcorn bowls and pans in the sink...
Time to brew the tea...and hop into the shower (this week...only because we were in the car traveling the day before and my aching body needed to be refreshed ;)
After my shower, I quickly clean up the kitchen sink and counters while DH showers.
Then, I prepare our tea and our daily vitamins and bring everything into the living room where we plant our butts on our favorite recliners ;)
Where DH sits on the left...hence all the remotes ;)
AND I sit on the right...hence all the books ;)
We spend the morning eating breakfast (protein bar for me and eggs/cereal for DH) while I do some catching up on my blog reading/posting.
While DH usually watches stuff on our big screen TV that he has DVR'd through-out the week.
This past Sunday it got really dark outside and next thing we knew it was raining...
No...it was pouring...the old man was snoring...sideways!
There is a reason why I call my hammock, Noah's Ark...because our back yard almost floods when we get these heavy, sudden downpours...
So much for hanging our towels outside to dry...
So into the dryer they go...I don't fret it too much since we rarely use it. Even in the winter I try to use my Italian drying rack because I like conserving energy almost as much as I like the smell of laundry that has been hung outside in the fresh air to dry ;)
Okay...now I'm hungry after opening up the pantry...time for something simple! Soup on a rainy day is one of my favorite things...
DH helps out...he's really hungry ;)
Soup's on...make a note to add oyster crackers to this week's grocery shopping list.
Back to our favorite spot...we do everything here...well almost ;)
All this rain and warm soup were making me sleepy...but I didn't want to take a nap since I slept in the car on the way home yesterday ;) I had to get up and move because all that Nascar noise was lulling me to sleep....rrrrrrrrrr.....I don't know which is worse...the wrrring sound of cars or the whispering of the golf TV sports-annoucers??
So it's out to the kitchen where I put on a pot of coffee and I clean up the kitchen sink while I wait for it to brew.
This is when I get a micro-burst of energy and my ACTIVITY ADD kicks in...
Next thing you know...I'm cleaning out the garbage disposal with vinegar and baking soda...
stacking the recycables...
adding to my grocery list...and doing some meal planning...aka taking chicken out of the freezer so they can defrost for me to figure out how I'm gonna cook them on Monday ;)
Then I see that the water jug needs filling...
so that I can finish taking my vitamins for the day...
ME swallowing a bunch of pills...not my favorite thing!
ALL of this BEFORE I've even had any coffee ;)
Ahhh...the sun is trying to come out...that will help me stay awake!
Yep...the sun is shinning right onto my messy desk...
AND the clutter that has gathered near the kitchen counter and on my printer.
So I decide to tackle my purse...it needs to be re-organized after our travels.
Whenever we travel I use my Vera Bradley hipster to hold my camera and other essentials...all dumped out here to be sorted and purged ;)
Mainly because I also carry my laptop and I try to lighten my load. Normally I carry a big leather tote that holds all my stuff and my camera.
So now it's all ready to go, placed in it's handy place, right by the front door ;)
We spent the rest of the evening relaxing with a bottle of wine, watching Netflix movies, and eating left-overs...my favorite...P.F.Chang's Spicy Chicken ;)
Now that's what I call a perfect Sunday!
How about you? What makes a day in your life so meaningful?
If you think that there is nothing special in your ordinary life...then I highly recommend that you try this exercise in capturing the everyday, ordinary things that make your day truly extra-ordinary. Nothing beats a fresh perspective on things to make you appreciate them.
Fondly, Roberta
Well my Sunday was filled with bowling followed my a nap then I was off to the grocery store (saved 40% with coupons)and then I relaxed with my husband before bed. I wish there were more "u" time on Sunday and II think I'll try to make more of an effort to make it that way.
I had to laugh at the picture of you taking pills. I've become quite the expert on downing meds lately, but still can't take more than one at a time even if they are super small.
Posted by: Cortney Lyon | 08/08/2011 at 08:43 AM
Your pillows on your loveseat crack me up...but you looked all cozy eating your soup...I love soup but Chris won't eat it...he is so missing out...LOL
You and DH have got to be the healthiest human beings I know...If I have to take one vitamin I would gag!!!!
Posted by: Denyse@Crazy Beautiful Life | 08/08/2011 at 09:12 PM