The weather was all over the place during {Week 4} of Project Life 2012. Sunday we had rain all afternoon with mild temperatures so it made for a very relaxing day home with hubby. Then on Monday the sun came out and it warmed everything much so that the golfers were out all over the course getting their golf fix ;} Then bam...we got hit with BIG storms on Friday with huge black much so that I found myself running out in the street to catch some shots and shared it in a blog post. The winds were blowing as well and they blew the clouds right outta here and it was clear, Carolina Blue Sky's by early afternoon...crazy I tell ya!
Today I'm sharing my completed, two-and-a-half page spread with you here on my blog and then linking my post up with Project Life Tuesday hosted by Jessica of The Mom Creative blog. I am still a week behind in completing my PL weeks and every week I tell myself that I'm going to "catch-up this week"...and low and keeps happening and the time just simply gets away from me. Oh is what it is and I'm not going to get discouraged because then I'll start dreading it and giving up all together.
Still finding that I'm taking a TON of photos and that I let my photos do most of the story telling and that I don't feel the need to tag every photo or decorate every slot with some sort of ephemera...simple is best for me! Besides...I have all I can do to sort and edit and figure out which photos I do want to Then I go crazy trying to take photos of the completed pages and to find ways to cut down on the glare from the page know the drill!

comments welcome