Meet Me On Monday! is a weekly blog party hosted Java at Never Growing Old where she provides five new get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post. This is a really fun way to get to know a little bit about yourself and your fellow bloggers!
Ok so here are today’s questions:
1. Who would be your dream celebrity date?

Liam Neeson...he had me at the Good Mother;) This movie also stars Diane Keaton and was directed by Leonard Nimoy in's a tear jerker. And now they have changed the title and the cover and Liam isn't even listed...why do they do that ?
2. Do you have any food restrictions?
Apples, Bananas, Carrots, Celery, Cherries ALL send me to the emergency room...not fun. It doesn't matter if I buy organic, peel them, juice's a late in life allergy!
3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
15-30 minutes depending on if I wear a mask or not ;) Seriously now...I'm a low maintenance kinda gal and I prefer to hop in the shower everyday. I let my hair air dry and only put make-up only when I have to.
4. Sausage or bacon?
Bacon, very crispy with a side of real maple syrup to dip it into...yum!
5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?
Google cause that's what DH loaded on my PC...frankly my dear I don't give a long as the darn thing works ;}
Hope you all have a great Monday.
Fondly, Roberta

comments welcome