Last weekend my youngest son Timothy, and his lovely wife Ashley, flew home from Pittsburgh, PA to celebrate the Easter holiday with family. Tim's birthday is also this month, April 13th and so I wanted to make him some of his favorite dishes while he was home with us. We had Pulled Taco Pork, Barbecue Beans, Rice, Spicy Chicken Tenders with a Sweet/Hot Chili Sauce and one of his favorite deserts...Cookoo Cookies.
Now I usually only make these cookies for Thanksgiving and Christmas because they take a little more time that most cookie recipes...that is because you have to sift the dry ingredients to keep them light and chewy. That combined with the fact that you have to back them twice and glaze them after-wards...but they are so WORTH IT! This recipe came from an old high-school friend, Candy Downs and I have treasured it ever since...and so have my boys!
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