Oh NO I'm Not...and this is why...
Finally...after 50 years...there is an explanation as to WHY I am different than anyone else in my family when it comes to their MEDICAL BELIEFS. How am I different...let me count the ways...
- I do not believe, and never have believed, that I will have the same diseases as the rest of my family (even though the continue to tell me that it is in my genes ;)
- I do not believe that I am a victim of anything...especially of my genetic background.
- I do not believe in traditional medicine and Doctors...never have...which explains my reluctance to go to them unless I'm dying. As was almost the case when my gall bladder exploded and my DH and son begged me to NOW go to the hospital when I was vomiting up bile. Okay...I concede...emergency medicine has it's benefits ;)
- I believe that You Are What You Eat and that the Body has the ability to HEAL ITSELF...especially when you give it the nutrients that it needs.
- I believe that Water is the source and the origin of all energy and life as we know it on this planet...and that our physical life here is part of our ultimate spiritual journey.
- I believe in the power of our thoughts and that you ARE whatever you believe you are. I've just always thought I was better than just good enough...AND I believed everyone when they told me I was STUBBORN or ARROGANT! Because when it came to them trying to control me or change my mind then I am very stubborn and very arrogant!
So here you have it...I am SO not like my Mother (or most of my family) when it comes to their innate belief systems. AND that is a good thang ;) How about you...are you like your Mother?