"We have ravished our earth and then used the food that we've sourced to handicap ourselves in more ways than one." --Barton Seaver: Sustainable seafood? Let's Get Smart: TED Talks, Mission Blue Voyage, Filmed April 2010, Posted October 2010
Barton Seaver is an advocate of sustainable seafood and a chef in Washington DC. His work tells the story of our common resources through the communion we all share – dinner.
Barton Seaver has been at the helm of some of Washington, DC’s most acclaimed restaurants. He brought the idea of sustainable seafood to DC at Hook restaurant in Georgetown. After Hook, he opened Blue Ridge restaurant, where he was named as Esquire’s 2009 Chef of the Year.
Photo and Profile: Provided by TED
Are you wondering "where can I get one of these Wallet Guides?" Me too...SO I did an on-line search and found this site: Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood WATCH® where you can Download a Regional Seafood Watch Card. They were recently updated in July 2010 so I'm hoping that it has taken the Deepwater Horizon oil spill into consideration since I live in North Carolina and our state is included in the Southeast Guide which includes the entire Gulf Coast.
Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Photo Provided by Nasa
Oh yummy...guess I'll be eating MORE VEGETABLES ;)