For anyone watching (or listening to) the news this past week, you have probably heard about the dense stream of storms, with their heavy rainfall, that have caused terrible flooding for the city of Nashville, Tennessee.
However, if like me, you do not stop and think about the fact that...all natural disasters cause even more havoc for those that are already destitute:
Photos courtesy of Shaun Groves and his post: Those Most Affected By Flood
Shaun shares some eye-opening facts about the homeless in Nashville who have taken up residence in Nashville's "Tent City"...please go over and read his complete post to see if you can help out...there are so many great ways that we can all help...even if we live so far away to personally volunteer or to drop off donations (they really need tents and sleeping bags).
After reading Shaun's post, I was really inspired when I read about the WellSpring Christian Church's meeting this weekend to ASSEMBLE/DONATE HYGIENE KITS...Assemble kits with us or just donate any of the following items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, men’s and women’s deodorant, disposable razors, washcloths, hand sanitizer, gallon ziploc bags. Please no mouthwash.
Reading about these kits made me think about the times that I'm driving around town, running errands and such, and seeing homeless people standing by the side of the road with their cardboard signs, asking for your help and blessings. There are many times that I stop and roll down my window and hand out a few dollars when I actually have some cash on me. The other day it broke my heart when I saw a very young man sitting on the median with his backpack and guitar...he couldn't have been much older than 25 and all's I could think about was my two sons! In my head I was thinking..."where is your mother and your father"? This young man, like most of the homeless I see, could not look up and make eye contact and it bothered me so much that he was on the other side of a three lane road so that I couldn't stop and roll down my window. By the time I came back around to his side of the road...he was gone! It bothered me all day...needless to say, I sure as heck did not feel like shopping anymore. How on earth could I justify bringing home any more STUFF...not!
Well, yesterday Shaun's post really got me to thinking...I have all kinds of travel amenities that I hang onto...remember this post...just in case we have company and they forget to bring something. Well why not make up some of my own Hygiene Kits? I talked to my husband about it and we also agreed to add a bottle of water and at least three dollars to each bag so that they could grab a sandwich from a fast food dollar menu somewhere! I'm going to make up a half dozen or so of these bags and keep them in my car...for when I'm running errands so that next time I can hand them a bag...with a little note tucked inside letting them know that...they are not forgotten.
How about to join me? If you do not feel comfortable stopping and handing out some bags...then I'm sure church or shelter would love any amenities that you could donate...please do not forget...thank you!
Awesome post... Great ideas... Happy Mother's Day!!! Love You Mom
Posted by: Mitchell Philbrick | 05/07/2010 at 05:08 PM
Giving these packs is a wonderful idea, when you don't think you have enough to give "big"! Dollar store bargains and freebies that we take for granted can go a long way for someone who has nothing! I know how you feel about the young man, I came a cross a man one day at the exit to one of the Walmarts...had a sign saying he was out of work, losing his apartment and needed food and $ please help. Having to sit in line and see his discomfort and peril was extremely hard to witness, I can only imagine what he must have been feeling. Times will be getting tougher, we have to do as much as we can!
Posted by: Debra Bunker | 05/07/2010 at 07:50 PM