Compassion Blogger, Brad Ruggles, while traveling to Kenya earlier this month, wrote this wonderful blog post, A Father To The Fatherless, about a young man named Eliud...
Eliud Otieno is an 18-year old Compassion-sponsored young man who was a ray of hope in one of the darkest places that the bloggers had visited during their trip to Kenya...Mathare Slum...
...where over 800,000 people live within 3 square miles...garbage is piled everywhere and sewage flows freely between the houses...aka...10' x 10' slum shacks that are made of cardboard, mud and tin.
By 2007, both of Eliud's parents died, and he was left living alone in this hell hole. Thankfully, with the support of Compassion, and his sponsor, he has continued his education and survived, living in this slum. with great hope for his future. Please watch and listen to this video of Eliud talking to his sponsor, Nick:
Please hop on over to Brad's blog post and read his entire post that I have simply "para-phrased" here. There is so much more to learn more about this amazing young man, Eliud and what a difference Compassion has made in his will be inspired!