This week I have been putting together some more Bags of Hope to give out while I'm running around doing my holiday errands. Since it is the holidays, I have really been trying to (over)STUFF them with loads of goodies and a few extra dollars to let whomever receives one know that they are not forgotten. Especially since this time of year can be really difficult and depressing for some...even for those of us who are fortunate enough to have our families, our homes and jobs to support them.
Here the stuff is all spread out on my bed because my desk is covered in scrapbooking/album supplies right now and I'm afraid I'd find stuff all stuck together with glue and glitter if I tried to use my desk right now :} Each bag is filled with a baggie of toiletries (that I've collected from my travels over the summer) along with personal size packages of wet wipes, tissues and a first aid kit. What you can't see is that I've added a few disposable razors and combs as recommended by the Church guidelines that I've always followed when putting these bags together. Normally I throw in a bottle of water with a green tea or lemonaid packet to flavor it with...but since I didn't have any on hand...I grabbed some chilled bottles of organic protein as I headed out the door.
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